R18+ Illustrations

Coming soon!

Q: Is there a comic or story I can read? Or anything planned?
A: As of now there are only illustrations and very short comics! I plan on doing more short stories, but I'm not sure a longer narrative would be best for R&L. But who knows what the future may hold!

Q: Do you allow fanart?
Of course! I am honestly happy that people enjoy these characters enough to draw them. I try to retweet fanart if I see it, so please tag me on twitter -- @robots_and_lace
-- if you do!

Q: Will you ever publish a zine
or art book?
A book is absolutely in the works! â•°(*°â–½°*)╯
Stay tuned!

Robots & Lace remains free.
I do this mostly to make sure it never feels like work, as so much of this art serves as therapy and escapism, but tips are always incredibly appreciated. Your kindness helps ensure that I can take on less freelance work, which gives me more time to create. Thank you! (/ωï¼¼*)………